Stop Making New Year's Resolutions to Lose Weight

A couple of years ago, I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, and I think you should too. 

A New Year!

There are so many expectations associated with the start of a new year.

Maybe this year will be the year you…

  • Finally, get fit and healthy. 

  • Get into the best shape of your life.

  • Get in control of your food choices.

  • Or create more meaningful relationships with those you love. 

And although I think you can capitalize on the excitement that a new year brings, the reality is Forbes Magazine reports 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the beginning of February. 

So instead of feeling like a failure before spring hits, here’s what you can do instead.

Follow my 3-STEP UNSTOPPABLE GOAL-SETTING PROCESS to ensure you achieve your goals this year.

Step 1: Establish a Compelling Reason - Your Why.

The truth is creating change is challenging. If you don’t have a compelling reason to get up an hour early to work out or to skip grabbing one of the warm donuts that your co-worker placed in the breakroom, you’ll likely give into excuses or justify your old behaviors. 

Your reason for losing weight or getting healthy needs to be extremely clear. 

Having a compelling why will help you focus your actions, create a strong desire for change, and provide a reason to stay consistent when your motivation runs low.

ProTip: To get to your compelling reason, ask yourself the 5 Whys. 

Start by stating your problem, “I want to lose weight.”  (Insert any other outcome you like, ex. I want to be fit & healthy.)

Then ask yourself, “Why is this important to me?” Once you get the answer, ask yourself, “Why is this important to me?” again. 

Do this 3 more times for a total of 5 “Why” questions. By the end, you should have a deeper, more motivating reason for why you want to commit to losing weight or to being fit & healthy.

Step 2. Establish A New Identity - Love the New You!

Traditional New Year’s resolutions focus on a short-term once-a-year resolution, not the long-term process of becoming a different person. 

My most successful clients are the ones who understand they need to become a different person to get different results. 

They begin identifying as…

  • A fit & healthy person.

  • A healthy example for my children.

  • A person who prioritizes my health and fitness.

The changes are inspiring.

Their identity shifts from someone who goes through the drive-thru 4 nights a week because they don’t have time to grocery shop to someone who prioritizes meal planning and preps each Sunday. I am blown away when they go from barely getting off the couch to getting their entire family to run their first 5K. And it brings a happy tear to my eye when I get a text from a mama on a beach vacation who tells me she finally feels confident in her swimsuit to play in the water with her daughter.

Choose a new identity and fall in love with the person you are becoming. 

Forget what the number on the scale says. Cut out the size tag on your jeans. Forget your past failures.

Celebrate the powerful and beautiful woman you are. 

Celebrate your commitment to creating a healthier, more confident you. 

Step 3: Create and Keep Track of Process Goals 

Once you know your why and who you want to be, you can map out specific actions to achieve your goals. 

Most people only establish an outcome goal when they start a weight loss journey. 

“I want to lose xx number of pounds.” 

And while you need to have an outcome goal as your compass or a target to complete, this type of goal doesn’t provide a clear roadmap for you to follow. This is because an outcome goal focuses only on the end result, not the process that will get you there. 

The secret to success…

Use both outcome and process goals to create healthy habits that stick. 

If you want lasting change regarding your health and wellness, you’ll want to put specific and measurable process goals in place.

These are the “how” of achieving your goal and your roadmap for success.

Process goals are small incremental steps or habits, the necessary actions that will help you achieve your goals. You can easily see where you need to improve when you track your progress using process goals. According to Author James Clear, the things you measure are the things you improve. 

Examples of process goals:

  • I will work out 4 days a week.

  • I will practice Intermittent Fasting 7 days a week. 

  • I will drink water each day - ½ my body weight in oz. 

At the beginning of each week, I encourage my clients set one main goal and ask them to check in on Fridays to celebrate their progress. This holds them accountable as they build new habits and helps them stay focused on the process, not just the outcome. 

I believe you can accomplish anything you want this year. 

So don’t sell yourself short with some basic, easily forgotten New Year’s Resolution.

Show up confidently with a plan that will make you UNSTOPPABLE this year. 

Step 1: Know your compelling reason to change - Your why.

Step 2: Establish a new identity and fall in love with becoming the new you. 

Step 3: Lean into and track your process goals.

I would love to walk alongside you. If you want help mapping out and achieving your goals, grab a spot in my next coaching session.

Loren Mattingly